1) There are 7 different classes of drug:
Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens, Alcohol, Cannabinols, Opiates, Narcotics
2) The drug I am researching is Psilocybin(More Commonly known as Magic Mushrooms)
4) Psilocybin is eaten and it takes about 20 minutes to act
5) Psilocybin has been found as early as 7000 B.C in cave paintings and foscillized feces from Tribes in the Sahara Desert and through the Americas. It had huge popularity in th 60's and 70's during the "hippy age". While it is not as popular today, It is still readily available all over the western world. Some scientists beleive that the drug came from another planet(maybe even an alien civilization).
6) Psilocybin has no recognized medical uses, however Harvard and John Hopkins have conducted experiments on people with anxiety, OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder) and the depressed with positive results.
7) Short term effects of Psilocybin:
Mental- induces hallucinations and an inability to discern fantasy from reality. Panic reactions and psychosis also may occur, particularly if a user ingests a large dose.
Physical- nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, drowsiness, and lack of coordination
Long term effects
Bad Trips(extreme fear) can cause short-term anxiety.
can trigger or aggravate conditions like schizophrenia, mania, or depression.
9) An addiction is a constant craving for a certain substance. When people take a substance, for example, Heroin, they get a huge blast of euphoria and then when the effects wash away, they are unable to get pleasure from the normal things in life and get depresed and they need to take more of the substance to feel pleasure.
10) Why do people abuse drugs?
People abuse drugs for a number of reasons:
They need the intense feelings induced by the drug. They abuse the drugs and continue to use more because every time they take the drugs they get tolerant(used to it) and need more to get the same amount of pleasure as before.
11) Describe a Recreational, Misusing and Abusing Drug User:

- -A white teenager
- -hat on backwards
- -T-shirt laughing
- -acting and talking foolishly.
Drug abuser:
- -Lives in a dirty apartment
- - is skinny with loads of scars and scabs
- -tattered clothes
- -smelly
- -carries a knife.
Drug Misuser:

- A fat 50 year old bald guy(of irish descent), sitting alone with a bottle of whiskey in front of him shouting really loud. Either very angry or very happy. He's of any profession(no "gay" ones), divorced and is a very addicted man. He gambles all the time. He loves to eat steak and his mother was a kind, gentle woman and his father was an abusive, hardass. He's heavily in debt and he's got loads of enemies. He is psychologically addicted to alcohol and he has to drown out his miserable life, divorce and debts to enjoy himself and alcohol is the only way.
13) The school is against smoking and alcohol and prohibits all illicit substances. None of these are allowed on campus and students are submit to random drug tests. If they are found to be positive for drugs, they will be expelled and reported to the police.
14) How are students caught abusing and selling drugs and what are the consequences to this?
If they are found to be positive for drugs or selling, they will be expelled and reported to the police.
A Song on Magic Mushrooms.
1200 Mics- Magic Mushrooms
The song is a weird techno song which doesn't seem to be encouraging or discouraging the use of psilocybin at all. Not very good, but I recommend listening once.
listen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtjHzdsOT1s
Magic mushroom,
magic mushroom,
magic mushroom...
and spores,
and spores...
Endless hallucinations...
the lightest got... hallucinogenic paths.
Exploding your mysticism.
17) Instead of doing drugs, you can get alot of pleasure by doing these three things:
- Eating tons of spicy food
- Running or Hard sport
- Have sex
18) I beleive that the drug user would be very ashamed with themselves and would cut off all ties with the family except secretly phoning his/her(my whole extended family) mother and asking for money. The person would be shunned and gossiped about by grandparents and uncles. Mother would give the person hand outs and try to make them good people again.
19) If I had a freind with an addiction to drugs and he wanted to kick it, I would suggest the person tell their parents and get some rehab really quick. I would maintain my freindship and try to talk to them routinely to get them to stop.
some good websites:
20) If I had a drug adelled crazy- freind who didn't realize it, I'd tell them they'd have a problem, refuse to partake in any drug use but not shun them. I'd try to make him admit he had a drug problem. If it became serious I would involve a teacher or a counselor and at worst, his parents.
Movies to watch on Muschrooms(and Marijuana)
I really suggest Pineapple Express for everyone!
22) I realized that when you take drugs you get feelings that are not humanly possible from just everyday life and that when you take them, it turns your life without the drug to trash. I could many of my habits if I was forced to without getting any problems. If the thing I was addicted was in front of me, yet i could not take it, I would get angry.
23) What are the local organizations and contact numbers for people to go to for help? What is the cost of the facility?
Yayasan Harapan Permata Hati Kita
Addiction Treatment & Recovery Community Center
Villa Pandawa YAKITA
Jl. Ciasin No 21 - RT 01 / RW10
Desa Bendungan, Ciawi, Bogor
Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Tel. (0251) 243 077 – (0251) 243 069
Fax (0251) 243 005
Email Office: yakita@cbn.net.id
Men’s Center:
Women’s Center: wisma_srikandi@hotmail.com
All National Centers: yakita-managers@yahoogroups.com
Web sites http://www.yakita.or.id
Recovery Centers:
Villa Pandawa YAKITAJl. Ciasin No 21 - RT 01 / RW10
Desa Bendungan, Ciawi, Bogor
Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Tel. (0251) 243 077 – (0251) 243 069
Fax (0251) 243 005
Go here: http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/test/tq.php?kqid=2521&kq=1
When were magic mushrooms most popular?
What is a rumoured origin of the magic mushroom?
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